Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Life counting down your earthly clock.

The second we are born is the second we begin to die. 

As a child, we live life and don't ponder why. 
As we grow old, we realize all will have to say goodbye. 

Whether we're twenty years or one hundred-twenty, 
Live with a purpose overlooked by many.
To serve the One who made the heavens,
Came down to earth to take my blemishes.

The moment we accept the gift so freely given,
That is the moment our eternal clock may begin.

So whether I live or die today,
I know I have a purpose.
To serve the One who gave His life away.


To the one thinking you have to have it all together 100% of the time. Stop. To the one searching for an answer to impress when someone asks, 'What are your plans for the future?, stop searching. To the one scrolling through everyone's social media outlets wishing you could have their lives, stop scrolling. Do you get where I'm going with this?

What if  we focused on what we were given in life. What if  we focused on what we were equipped to do instead of looking at everyone else and becoming frustrated at what we weren't created for.

There will always be someone a little more put together. There will always be someone a little older, prettier, thinner, funnier. But what if , we learned to push past that and appreciate what we are given, and actually show up and make an impact on someone. Let's engage in the conversations in front of us, let's comfort our troubled brothers and sisters, let's give our all in marriage.

I've always felt a burning desire in my heart to reach teens and show them they matter, they have a purpose, they belong. It goes way deeper than that, but in summary, I've wanted to create or be a part of a ministry where I can be fired up and sing the song of my heart. 

For years I have felt lost in how to achieve such a goal. Wondering if maybe that person was right, I should've gotten that degree to help launch me forward. That maybe the opportunity would show up in the next job, church, community. Thinking "Am I pursuing a passion that will never unfold?". 

I wake up yearning for an impactful life almost everyday, dwelling on what I don't have. Then the insecurities pour out. "I'm just a young girl, what could I have to offer? I've not gone to college, what wisdom do I have? I've not been married long, who would take my advice?" 
I keep forgetting that the Lord didn't call those who are equipped, but he equips those He calls. (1 Corinthians 1:27). In other words, I may not feel I am making a difference but I need to embrace the power of impact in the unseen spaces and ordinary places. 

I realized I have been looking at it from the wrong angle. I keep thinking I need to be on some spotlit stage with hundreds in the audience. And in my obsession I have stepped back from what I'm called to here and now. A wife to an amazing man who deserves my love and faithfulness. A sister, to encourage those in my physical and spiritual family. A worker, to follow in humility where the Lord has placed me. 


If you're reading this and you're not where you want to be, then stop. Be where you're at and embrace your flaws that make you, well, you! Enjoy the progress, thank the Lord for the challenges that are forming you. There is no shame in admitting that we don't have life all figured out. 

So, to the young girl reading this: you're beautiful, you matter.
To the young man: keep dreaming, you matter.
To the new parents: you've got this, be strong, you matter.
To the newly wed/soon to be: don't be scared, you matter.

To the one who feels unloved, unimportant, foolish, overweight, fill in the blank:

Your brokenness is welcome here

If you've repented from your sins, you've asked The Lord Jesus to change your heart and create in you a new spirit (Psalm 51:10), then welcome to forgiveness.

Will you join me in this movement? Will you challenge yourself with me to show up in the trial you're facing now. I encourage you brothers and sisters, you're here for a reason. This day, step out in confidence and speak of your flaws, insecurities, shame and guilt. 'For if God is with us, who could be against us?' Romans 8:31.

Pray with me:

Lord I thank you for choosing me to be where I am. Thank You for challenging me the way you do and placing trials in my life to help me grow. Thank You for the people in my life I can call my family, to encourage and love. I thank you for placing a desire in my life to pursue You, no matter what that looks like. Lord, I ask You help me realize that all You've called me to is to love and serve. That over time the looks of that service might look different than others, or even myself. But Lord I ask You reveal the thing in my life You've placed there, to put my passion in and be present. Thank You Lord for giving me such a life as this. I ask that wherever I go, whatever I do, whatever I say, people may be pointed toward You. I ask you empty me of me so that I may be filled with more of You.  In Jesus's name, amen.

  Photo credit: True to life photography 
  Location: Manchester St. park. Washington state. 

Danielle Nunez.

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